Papolos, Demitri F., and Janice Papolos. The Bipolar
Child, Revised Edition. New York: Broadway Books, 2002.
Anderson, Winifred, Stephen Chitwood, and Diedre Hayden.
Negotiating the Special Education Maze: A Guide for Parents and
Teachers. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House, 1997.
Cutlet, Barbara Coyne. You, Your Child, and Special
Education: A Guide to Making the System Work, 3rd Edition. Baltimore,
MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company, 1997.
Dornbush, Marilyn P., and Sheryl K. Pruitt. Teaching
the Tiger: A Handbook for Individuals Involved in the Education
of Students with Attention Deficit Disorders, Tourette Syndrome
or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Duarte, CA: Hope Press, 1995.
Goldberg, Elkhonon. The Executive Brain: Frontal
Lobes and the Civilized Mind. New York: Oxford University Press,
Kay, Kiesa, ed. Uniquely Gifted: Identifying and
Meeting the Needs of the Twice Exceptional Student. Gilsum,
NH: Avocus Publishing, Inc., 2000.
Raity, John J. A Users Guide to the Brain.
New York: Pantheon Books, 2001.
Roberts, A.C., T.W. Robins, and L. Weiskrantz. The
Prefrontal Cortex. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Siegal, Lawrence M. The Complete IEP Guide: How
to Advocate for Your Special Ed Child, 2nd Edition. Berkley,
CA: Nolo Press, 2002. (Indispensible when going through the IEP
Cohen, Jonathan D. et al. Temporal Dynamics
of Brain Activation During a Working Memory Task. Nature 386
Quackenbush, Doug, Stan Kutcher, et al. Premorbid
and Postmorbid School Functioning in Bipolar Adolescents: Description
and Suggested Academic Interventions. Canadian Journal
of Psychiatry 41 (1996): 16-22.
For Educators
Anglada, Tracy. The Student With Bipolar Disorder:
An Educators Guide. Available from:
With few, but amazingly apt words, this brochure paints a big picture
of what bipolar disorder is and how the symptoms--as well as how
the side effects of the medications--affect the student in the classroom.
TeachingLD.Org - The new web site for the Division
of Learning Disabilities for the Council of Teaching Exceptional
Children, this should be a great resource for teachers who are working
with children with bipolar disorder. Not only are there general
discussion bulletin boards, but the site features information on
research-based teaching strategies and approaches and interviews
with experts in all aspects of learning disabilities. Particularly
helpful to teachers with questions about the best way to work with
children with bipolar disorder is the Find a Colleague
section in which a teacher can build a profile and search a database
in order to find other teachers and mentors who are dealing with
a child of the same age with the disorder and then share knowledge
of what has been effective.
Websites At a Glance
To Learn More About IDEA Law and the IEP Process:
Important website that explains much about legal advocacy
for children with special education needs. Free email newsletter,
articles, cases, up-to-date information.
To Download a Model IEP Written Specifically for
a Student with Bipolar
(click on model
- ERIC is the Educational Resources Information Center, a federally-funded
national information system that provides, through its 16 subject-specific
clearinghouses, associated adjunct clearinghouses, and support components,
a variety of services and products on a broad range of education-related
For Information About Learning Disabilities and
Executive Function Deficits:
- Comprehensive web site that explains the different learning disabilities,
directs parents to resources, and has a new feature: Ldonline Yellow
Pageslisting of schools (by state) that serve children with
learning disabilities and ADHD.
- Website of Dr. Leslie E. Packer has information about neurobiological
conditions such as bipolar disorder, depression, obsessive compulsive
disorder, sensory integration difficulties, and executive function
deficits with very helpful classroom tips and modifications.
- A national information and referral center that provides information
on disabilities and disability-related issues for parents, educators,
and professionals. Publications and information in English and Spanish,
bulletin boards, etc.
To Locate an Educational Attorney:
State-by-state listing of attorneys who represent
parents of children with disabilities.
To Locate an Educational Consultant:
Independent Educational Consultants Association lists
reputable consultants all over the country.
To Locate Therapeutic Day and Boarding Schools:
and Residential Treatment Centers:
Bridge to Understanding
Petersons Private Secondary Schools
Woodbury Reports Online
(here youll find the link to Struggling Teens.)
The American Association of Childrens Residential
This article was written by Janice Papolos (co-author
of The Bipolar Child, Revised Edition), Mary Jane Hatton, and Sandi
Norelli, (co-directors of the JBRF Educational Team), Christine
E. Garcia, M.Ed., and Anne Marie Smith, M.Ed.
Copyright © 2002. All Rights Reserved.