EXPERT DIAGNOSTIC WORKSHOP/ GRAND ROUNDS INTERACTIVE TUTORIAL Navigating the Expert Diagnostic Workshop Interactive Tutorial Each time you log on to the workshop with your user name and password you will see a window with a link to one of four separate sets of related diagnostic criteria. These will be used for rating each case. You’ll begin rating using DSM-IV criteria for Mania/and Hypomania and continue rating using criteria sets based on three proposed behavioral phenotypes: Modified DSM-IV criteria – Broad Phenotype, Modified DSM-IV criteria – Narrow Phenotype, and Research Diagnostic Criteria – Core Phenotype. You may download these criteria sets for future reference. To begin the first rating session, you will click on the light blue Mania/Hypomania link. This will take you to a web page that displays three frames in one window. Next: Navigating the 3 Frames |